258 ANNUAL BIBL10GBAPHY Otf Sastri, K A. Nilakanta—Recent Progress in Malayan Archaeology. JCHB. VIII, Pfc. 1, pp. 1-16. [1536 A lengthy review of Archaeological Researches on Ancient Indian Coloni- sation in Malaya, by Dr. Quaritch Wales (JMBRAS, 1940). Does not agree with Dr. Wales on many points, and especially on the location of the ancient Kadaram in Perak. Sircar, Dines Chandra—Date of the Earliest Sanskrit Inscrip- tion of Campa. 1HQ. XVII, pp. 107-110. [1537 A short study of the Vo-canh inscription which is assigned by scholars on palaeographic grounds, to 2nd or 3rd century A. D. The writer is not convinced that the date of the inscription is earlier than the 4th century, A. D. Thompson, Viginia—The Landward Side of Singapore. Pacific Affairs, Vol. 14, pp. 21-34. International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, New York, 1941. [1538 "At the time of writing it was under three flags, its political components British, Malaya and Burma, French Indo-china and the buffer state Thailand......The whole area, geographic and economic unit that it is, lacks a common purpose and ideas, both regionally and as individual nations/' GR. XXXI, p. 352. Winstedt, E. 0.—A History of Malaya Literature. " Singa- pore, 1940. [1539 -------The Elements of Malayan Civilisation. AR. Vol. 37, No. 130, pp. 349-353. [1540 A survey of anthropology, philology and ethnography of the Malay archipelago. '------- A Literary Device Common to Homer and the East. JRA8. (1941), Pt. 3, pp. 199-203. [1541 Refers to the Malay romance, the' Hikayat Indraputra and finds a parallel in the third book of Homer's Iliad, and asks: "Is it perhaps possible that the literary device of iterated inquiry from a bystander as to the identity of warrior princes passing by has come to the Malay by way of Seleucia or Bactria from Homeric Greece ? Indonesia Bake, A. A.— Ancient India's Influence on the Netherlands India. HE. LXXIV, pp. 300-303. [1542 A short study of ancient Indian colonisation of far away Javadvipa; the cultural goods bestowed upon its colonies, the survivals in distant places of India's spiritual heritage.